27 February 2014


It really felt like Spring was breaking out in London today. Fortunately each pack of Papercharms is just bursting with Spring-like shapes, including birds, leaves, blossoms and bunnies, all ready to lend some seasonal optimism to your crafting...

we have a winner!

Congratulations to the lucky lady in Australia who scooped herself a bumper set of ecopapershapes on the petit eco kids giveaway - we didn't know we had fans down under!

24 February 2014

23 February 2014

accessorise, accessorise, accessorise...

Don't be dowdy. Jazz up your day with a some ecopapershapes jewellery. You can make a simple necklace by painting or decorating your chosen Papercharm and then taping it to a length of string:

Or stick them to a cuff made out of a sliced-up toilet roll. Stack them up for maximum effect! Who knew the humble toilet roll could be so glamorous?

Brooches are a doddle - just tape a safety pin to the back of your Papercharm and pin away.
Cool jewels? We think so. And wouldn't this make a great party activity?

You can buy your Papercharms here - and we'd love to see what you make with them, so send us a photo... 

19 February 2014


Want to score some ecopapershapes for free? Dash over to the excellent Petit Eco Kids for a great giveaway!

18 February 2014

personalised straws

Are your parties plagued by beverage confusion? You can give ordinary drinking straws a personal party touch with our Alphabet shapes. Just stick them on to spell out initials or whole names (depending on the length of the names and the length of your straws) and settle once and for all who that last stray orange juice belongs to.

What will you spell out on your straws?

11 February 2014

happy birthday ida

Ida adores cocktail umbrellas.

She's five today, hence these personalised festive parasols.

Happy birthday Ida.

9 February 2014

must-have moustache

Ida drew this exceptionally fine fellow and our Papercharms moustache shape proved the perfect finishing touch.


5 February 2014

papercharmed party bags

We've been a bit stern about party bags in the past but we're not total party poopers; here's a simple way to give your party takeaways a little extra ecopapershapes kick.

We stamped our Papercharms with an appropriate message and stuck them to some ordinary paper gift bags for instant appeal. But you could just as easily use our Alphabet to spell out people's names not to mention popping a pack of ecopapershapes inside, of course.

By the way, did you spot the paper bunting in the first picture? It's from Tiger, and we've got plans for that too...

1 February 2014


Only two weeks to Valentine's Day, but panic not...

We've been testing out a few ideas for cards...

... using our ecopapershapes.

What could be nicer than a handcrafted Valentine?