11 September 2014

back to school

Hmm. It seems the holidays are over. In a transparent attempt to make the whole idea of going back to school and doing homework FUN, we made these pencil toppers.

I'm embarassed to say we relied on trusty loom bands once again. Embarassed because I have a sneaking suspicion that loom bands are going to turn out to be the next big environmental catastrophe and that in a few year's time they will be regarded in much the same light as plastic bags. I'm basically waiting for the first photo of a starving baby dolphin to be washed up on a beach with a knot of reverse-fishtail-braided loom bands around its beak.

Mind you, a friend of mine reported that her son made himself a tiny cock ring out of them the other day, so it's not all completely bleak.

But I digress. Back to back to school.

First we decorated some Papercharms.

The Cat in the Hat!

Then we taped them to some loom bands and then stuck them on our pencils.

Too cool for school? I don't think so. Depending on your school's policy on loom bands in the playground, of course.

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